Thursday, December 3, 2015

Evening at Glenwood Gardens

Evening– Lengthening Shadows
16" x 20", Oil on Canvas

A studio piece worked up from some photos taken at the end of an afternoon plein air painting session at Glenwood Gardens Park. The sun was casting increasingly long shadows as I finished up and the high overlook above the valley floor was the perfect vantage point. Fall color adds just the touch to increase the warmth of the setting sun.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Plein Air– Sharon Woods

Fall Color
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Our last outing for South West Ohio Plein Air this year was to Sharon Woods Park. We made in just before all the fall color departed. The leaf display was short lived, probably due to dry weather in August and September. Most of the trees that have yellow leaves just turned brown and fell off. This was the most colorful location I found in the park.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Old Church Yard...Revisited

Old Church Yard 2
16"x 20", Oil on Canvas

A trip to the grave yard just before Halloween, but looking in from the sunny side! From certain angles the Mariemont Community Chapel and grounds look like just what they were intended to. In the same flavor as the rest of the development, they were to replicate the flavor of an elizabethan village. Half-timbered tudor homes and businesses predominate. If you get off busy Kellogg Avenue, Mariemont has that same slow paced ambiance.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Art In Bloom– CAM

Iris– Art In Bloom
16" x 12", Oil on Canvas

I participated at Cincinnati Art Museum's "Art In Bloom" by painting with a group of other artists from the Cincinnati Art Club on Friday. For "Art In Bloom", the museum has local flower arrangers make displays to coordinate with specific artwork in galleries throughout the facility. The artists were asked to paint from arrangements place in the Great Hall of the museum, so we had plenty of company and interested viewers from 10:00A-4:00P.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Plein Air– Spring Grove

Spring Grove– Sycamore 2
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

What a difference the seasons make! Painting plein air in Spring Grove Cemetery yesterday, I decided to paint a subject I've worked on before. This sycamore trees makes the most beautiful subject with it's low hanging branch, swooping over the water. This is the version in Fall. I'll also include the previous version from several Springs ago.

Spring Grove– Sycamore
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

Monday, October 19, 2015

Ohio River at Augusta, Kentucky

Ohio Tow Boat
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

A photo taken from the Augusta Ferry this weekend was the inspiration for this painting. The rains have made the Ohio River murky, but the reflected sky made all the waves so blue. A beautiful and breezy crossing to Augusta, Kentucky on the way to the Baker-Bird Winery.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Plein Air– Governor Bebb Reserve

Governor Bebb Village
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

One of those collections of historic buildings from a particular locale, the village at Governor Bebb Preserve actually seems close to what a village in 1800 would have looked like. Set up more naturally around an irregular town green, the building are not placed too close to each other or in too planned an arrangement.

The preserve is on the far western reaches of Butler County in SW Ohio and is particularly pretty at this time of the year. The fall color should be at its peak this weekend and next.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Plein Air– Clifton

Probasco Fountain
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

The SWOPA Thursday paint out was in the Clifton Gaslight District of Cincinnati this week. We met at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center (old Clifton School) on Clifton Avenue (a lot of Cliftons in there!). My painting is of the Probasco Fountain, which has been moved twice to better protect it from the cars speeding up the road. The cars move so fast I couldn't catch them in my painting!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Plein Air– Licking County

Toboso Farm Scene
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

Catching up on my paintings from last weekends Ohio Plein Air Society's Competition. I'm posting all five pieces I completed, the first three on Friday and the last two on Saturday. All were displayed at Alexandria, Ohio on Sunday. The second painting was my entry in the Competition. The other four were displayed in the wet paint sale. No sales, no awards, but some pretty nice paintings.

Black Hand Gorge Quary
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Cat Run Flowers
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Wrack and Ruin
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Opening– Great Circle Mound
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Mariement Community Chapel

Old Church Yard
14" x 18", Oil on Canvas

Painted from photos taken on a recent plein air painting trip to Mariemont, Ohio, this is one of several views of the Community Chapel that I will be painting. Pictured is the stone wall around the burying ground with the chapel apse of the chapel in the background.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Plein Air to Studio

Old Stone Wall 2
20" x 24", Oil on Canvas

Using "Old Stone Wall 1" as color reference, I worked from a photo taken on Thursday to complete this "studio" piece in Robert Hagberg's workshop. We worked on our pieces Saturday and Sunday and were to "leave them be" at the end of the workshop.

Plein Air– Robert Hagberg Workshop

South Corner– Twin Lakes
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

I attended a three day "Plein Air to Studio" workshop lead by Robert Hagberg Friday, Saturday and Sunday this last weekend. This was my plein air piece, completed with a few suggestions from Robert.

Plein Air– Chrisholm Historic Farmstead

Old Stone Wall 1
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

The SWOPA painting group went up to the Chrisholm Historic Farmstead in Woodsdale, Ohio this last Thursday. On land donated by Cincinnati Gas & Electric to the Butler County Metro Parks, Chrisholm and the Woodsdale area was home to the "western most" group of Amish to settle in Ohio in the 1800's. Lead by Christian Augspurger, 356 families settled in the area in 1834. For more information, see:

Saturday, September 12, 2015

CAC– Portrait 3

CAC– Portrait 3
16" x 12", Oil on Paper

Friend and fellow CAC member, Flann O'Neill, had his wife take the model stand at Sketch Group this week. Sporting a large straw hat and a rust orange blouse that complimented her red hair. You have to hustle to paint a semblance of a likeness in 2 1/2 hours!

Plein Air– Devou Park

Two Pines– Devou
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

After a rainy morning, the sun finally broke through on the golf course at Devou Park in Covington. Wrapped around to ridge tops in Northern Kentucky and overlooking Cincinnati, Devou Park is one this area's gems. This scene appealed because of the bright fairway behind the backlit pines. Distances can be deceptive in this type situation. I'm perched near the 5th green and the cart is down near the middle of the fairway. Small green patches in the distance are the tees.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Missed Painting from Gorman

Three Cribs 2
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

The opposite view of the corn cribs at Gorman Heritage Farm, Reading, Ohio.

Friday, September 4, 2015

CAC– Figure Study 7

CAC– Figure Study 7
16" x 12", Oil on Paper

This is more a portrait than a figure study. Working on the model's flesh color, correct color temperatures and achieving likeness.

Plein Air– Riverview Park

Riverview Stairs
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

A pocket park that's in Cincinnati's near East End, Riverview has some wonderful architecture. This structure forms the bottom of the Mt. Adams Stairs that lead all the way up to Celestial Street. The Good Friday "Praying the Steps" ritual starts here, heads up the Mt. Adams Stairs, continues on Hill and St. Gregory Streets then up the stairs to the Church of the Immaculate at the very top of Mt. Adams. A climb of some 300 feet.

Lakeside Bathers

Bathers– Study
10" x 8", Oil on Canvas Panel

From photo taken on the beach at Lakeside, this is a study for a larger work, soon to come.

Friday, August 21, 2015

CAC– Sketch Group

CAC– Figure Study 6
12" x 16", Oil on Paper

Another work painting on paper from Cincinnati Art Club's Sketch Group. Working on painting in these short sessions is so different; not just important to get your drawing and values right, but working on color!

Plein Air– Gorman Farm

Three Cribs
12"x 18", Oil on Canvas

What a delight it was to paint at Gorman Heritage Farm this year. We finally had the weather cooperating (temps in the low 80's and humidity down in the 50's). I did experience some problems in painting this scene though. I located myself in opening of the barn door and was facing North West to see this view. With the bright sun we were lucky to have, it was reflecting off the silver corrugated barn siding just to the right out of view. After completing most of the work on this, I turned my whole setup around so the light fell on the painting and I was looking into the barn. Amazingly, the colors and values worked quite well!

Kids put up with the Photo Op

Marblehead Photo Op
14" x 18", Oil on Canvas

Based on photography from the trip to Lakeside, Ohio, this is a location next to the Marblehead lighthouse on Lake Erie. Marble head forms the western side of the mouth at the entrance to Sandusky Bay, Cedar Point is on the opposite side. The ledge visible in this painting makes clear why they called the point Marblehead.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Plein Air– Mariemont

Community Chapel
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

The Mariemont Community Church has moved on to a larger facility and I'm told this chapel doesn't get much use. Located off Wooster Pike, toward the Old City Center, this area has even more of a feel of the old English village than the half timbered buildings around the Mariemont square. This will probably stand as a color study for a studio piece of the chapel and church yard.

AAPs– From Model

AAPs– Portrait 4
14" x 11", Oil on Canvas

Arts Alliance Painters had a model in to sit portrait last Monday. This was Whitney's first time sitting and she did an excellent job. This is a 3 hour portrait study.

CAC– Sketch Group

CAC– Figure Study 5
8" x 10", Oil on Canvas Panel

Painted from life at the Cincinnati Art Club Sketch Group. This is a 2 1/2 hour painting of that night's model.

Rain Day at Baker-Hunt

Waiting for the Rain to Stop
10" x 8", Oil on Canvas Panel

We couldn't paint "en plein air" last Thursday, 8/6, the rain was coming down too hard. Anticipating this problem one of the members of SWOPA had gotten permission to use studio space at the Baker-Hunt Arts Center in Covington. Only the two of us took advantage and we painted "à l'extérieur à travers la fenêtre" (the outside through the window).

Lakeside– Studio Work

Got Boat?
14" x 18", Oil on Canvas

The sailing instructors at Lakeside Chautauqua have a constant eye out for trouble on the water! They also prepare their pupils with personal floatation devices from the rack on the side of their Pavilion office. Pick a Sunfish from the boat rack and they'll send you out on Lake Erie with some initial instruction and a push to catch the wind.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Sketch Group at CAC

CAC– Figure Sketch 3
12" x 9", Oil on Paper

After painting from 10:00A to 2:00P on Thursday at Smale Riverfront Park, I stayed in town to go to the Cincinnati Art Club's evening Sketch Group. "Figure Sketch 3" was from one of the 5 minute warm up poses. I continued working on it through the following pose, so a 10 minute painting. The figure study I did from the same model in the long pose is shown below.

CAC– Figure Study 4
16" x 12", Oil on Paper

Plein Air– Smale Riverfront Park

Newport from Smale
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Framed by the Roebling Suspension Bridge and the newly laid lawn in section 2 of Smale Riverfront Park, this is a view of the Newport, Kentucky waterfront. Notable in the scene are the B&B Riverboat wharf, the Central Bridge abutment, St. Paul's Episcopal Church spire and the towers of the Campbell County Courthouse.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Plein Air– Lakeside Chautauqua Wooden Boat Show

Toward Lakeside Inn
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Erie Lakeside
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Small Sailboat Parking
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

Lakeside Daylily Garden
10" x 8", Oil on Canvas Panel

Lakeside Lymans
12" x 24", Oil on Canvas

The five paintings I did at the Lakeside Plein Air Festival and Wooden Boat Show this last weekend.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

House Commission

3400 Cable Avenue
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Delivered late last week for a July 3 birthday, this house portrait was completed from client supplied photos. All reports are that it was a hit with the recipient.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

First Plein Air Lotus

Lower Pond
10" x 8", Oil on Canvas Panel

My first attempt to paint the ponds at Reserves Park today with SWOPA. The lotus are at their peak as we hoped, when we scheduled the group to come. Didn't seem to be to many who took advantage, probably afraid of the possibility of rain. This is a view of the lower pond at Wetlands Park East, which is choked with pink lotus.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Plein Air– Loveland

Old and New
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

Last Thursday the South West Ohio Plein Air was painting in Loveland, Ohio. The previously vacant block to the East of the railroad tracks in downtown is getting new development. Called Loveland Station, it is mixed use (retail on first floor, housing above) slated to be completed by end of this year.

Lotus Study

Reserves Park– Lotus Study 6
6" x 8", Oil on Canvas Panel

The plein air painters from SWOPA are going this week to the chain of parks in Liberty Township abutting St. Rt. 129. This is a study to get me in the mood for painting lotus from life. Hope the weather cooperates!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lakeside Bathing

Moral Support– Study
14" x 11", Oil on Canvas

This is a quick figure study for a larger painting of the same subject. Just trying to get used to painting the figures at this size...

Friday, June 19, 2015

Plein Air– Greenfield Plant Farm

Springhouse and Flowers
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

This week SWOPA took another trip to Greenfield Plant Farm's Anderson Township location on Clough Pike. Encompassing the Clark homestead with the stone house that was built in 1803. This painting is of the outbuildings in the side (back to Clough Pike) yard with all the nursery stock surrounding them. A pretty spot and they have the nicest variety of plants I've seen in SW Ohio.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Plein Air– Clifton Heights

Bellevue Hill Pavilion
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

This could have been my throw-back-thursday entry on Facebook. Wait a minute, this was painted on Thursday. Bellevue Hill Park is in Cincinnati at the end of Ohio Avenue in the Clifton Heights neighborhood. My old college stomping grounds.

The Park Board built this wonderful Art Deco pavilion designed by architect R. Carl Freund in 1955. Intended to be a location for outdoor dances, it features pierced cantilevered concrete roof structures in stylized organic shapes.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

New Stonelick Covered Bridge

New Stonelick Bridge
12" x 24", Oil on Canvas

After a five year rehabilitation process that included a total collapse of the structure, the Stonelick Covered Bridge in Clermont County reopened this spring. Much of the structure was replaced with new materials and its hight and width were modified to handle today's larger vehicles. It looks much the same and the location is beautiful!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Plein Air– Coney Island

Grand Carousel
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

Out with SWOPA to Cincinnati's oldest amusement park. This is the small carousel that was installed when the large one was moved to Kings Island's Old Coney area. Picked a shady spot and worked with the balance of warm and cold, light and dark. Not many folks were riding that morning, just a mother and wee daughter.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Plein Air– East Price Hill

View from Price Hill
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

East Price Hill in Cincinnati is experiencing a renaissance with new development and a wonderful new, modern theater being built. One of the city's oldest suburbs, Price Hill is on the bluffs directly to the West of downtown. Eventhough Eighth Street appears to be slanting off toward the lower left in the painting, it is directly in alignment with Olden View Park where I was painting. This park is at the top of the old incline right of way that took 8th Street straight up the hill and its continuation through Price Hill.