Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Cold Days Ahead

Great Miami– Below Zero 2
6" x 8", Oil on Canvas Panel

From same location on the Great Miami as the previous post, this time looking North. Just caught the train trestle.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Coming Winter

Great Miami– Below Zero
9" x 12", Oil on Canvas Panel

I'm hoping that this winter isn't as cold as that two years ago. This is a view of the semi-frozen Great Miami River above Middletown. A bright day, the river slushy and the low sun position casting slanting shadows across the crunchy snow.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Near the Overlook

Fort Ancient Fall
12" x 16", Oil on Canvas

The beech-maple climax forest that covers the hillsides along the Little Miami at Fort Ancient were in there fall splendor. A clear deep blue sky vibrated against the complementary colors of the foliage (foliage my drawing professor at DAA used to call it!). Late Fall sunlight slants through the tree trunks to light up patches of grass and leaves on the ground.