Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter Show Pieces 3

Snow with Pines 4
16" x 20", Oil on Canvas

Number 4 in the pieces being painted for possible inclusion in the "Winter" show at Sinclair Community College, Mason.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Winter Show Pieces 2

Snow with Pines 3
16" x 20", Oil on Canvas

Number 3 in the pieces being painted for possible inclusion in the "Winter" show at Sinclair.

Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice
6" x 8", Oil on Canvas Panel

It's that time of year and this painting went to Gene Hinckley (past President and Honorary Signature Member) at the Cincinnati Art Club Holiday Party last night. I received a painting of the Roebling Bridge by Nancy Bradley Strauchen. Wonderful dinner and great fellowship with the attending club members!