Monday, November 21, 2011

Figure from Life

Our painting group had Ellen, a good friend of ours from Gallery 42, in today as a figure model. This was the first time since college (a long time ago) that I painted from life. I've done a fair number of pencil drawings and sketches recently, but no paintings. This was today's effort: MAPs Figure 1, oil on canvas panel, 8x10. Hope we can talk the folks in the group to have more models in the future!

Friday, November 11, 2011

More Seasonal Adjustments

I couldn't pass up this stack of canoes at Morgan's Ft. Ancient Livery. The dappled sunlight from the thinning trees and masses of intense red, blue and yellow against the fading fall color. They must have more than 200 canoes stacked up for winter at this location, just one of the three the Morgans  ( operate.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Seasonal Adjustments

I feel winter coming on and the above title applies to this 11" x 14", oil on canvas. The colorful canoes are on the ground and some are as gray as the trees will be in January. The constant rains have kept the grass green and the river too high to be safe, lapping at gravel at the very top of the launch ramp. The parking lot is chained and everyone gone home, hopefully to a warm fireplace.