Friday, August 6, 2010

Milford Plein Air & CAM Luncheon

As a preliminary to the Milford, OH paint out sponsored by the Ohio Plein Air Society, I joined several members of the SW Ohio Plein Air group there on Thursday afternoon. This painting is the result. Someone stopped by to inquire about a purchase... so we'll see if that comes through.

The participants in the Cincinnati Art Museum's show "The View From Here- Mason, OH" were invited down to have lunch with the curator. We also got a walk-through of the exhibit with her and some time to critique our own work (see photo). The show continues through 8/20. I've got some additional photos of the luncheon attendees up online and here's a link- The View From Here- Mason, OH Luncheon


  1. Your painting looks great, congrats on the sale.

  2. Don, I noticed you have Becky Joy on your blog list, she is painting live on ustream on Tuesday evenings at 7.

  3. Thanks for the comments and the info, Barb!
